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new homeWork 2024
Ass1-215-24s 00:00:00
Lab2-215-23-24 00:00:00
Ass2-215-24S 00:00:00
Ass3-215-24s 00:00:00
Ass4-215-24S 00:00:00
project215-24s-Applicant 00:00:00
FirstProgram in C 00:00:00
Slide1-Introduction C 00:00:00
Variables types and Escape Char C 00:00:00
Operators C 00:00:00
printf-scanf -Macros (c) 00:00:00
Lab1-Cs215-Examples 00:00:00
Self Exer C Var. and operator 00:00:00
quiz1-215-24 00:00:00
Quiz1-214-24s – dataType 00:00:00
1- what is function 00:00:00
2- Scope in function and Storage 00:00:00
3- pointers and function(c) 00:00:00
4- Recursion Function 00:00:00
5- function And Multiple files 00:00:00
lec4 Control Flow
1- If statment and nested(c) 00:00:00
2- switch(c) 00:00:00
3- controlFlow loop(c) 00:00:00
6- SelfExer(c) function 00:00:00
Ass1-215-2021F 00:00:00
lab2-215-2021F 00:00:00
Ass2-215-2021F 00:00:00
SampleQuiz215-controlFlow 23F 00:00:00
Quiz2-215-24s-function and flow 00:00:00
Array 2D
Array2D-215 00:00:00
Comma operator in C
Comma operator in C 00:00:00
Quiz2-215-24-fun-flow-comma 00:00:00
1- pointers and address(c) 00:00:00
2- pointers and array(c) 00:00:00
3- pointers and function(c) 00:00:00
4- pointers and strings(c) 00:00:00
5-Ass1-(c)-pointers-Example 00:00:00
6- pointers(two-dimensional array)(c) 00:00:00
7- Pointer Arithmetic 00:00:00
8- pointers Self-Exercise 00:00:00
9-pointers Self-Ex6 00:00:00
Ass1-C-2021S 00:00:00
Lab3-C-2021-FunctionAndArray 00:00:00
lab5-C-Pointers-ReverseString 00:00:00
LabW7-215-2021F-Pointer 00:00:00
Mid and quiz
Quiz3-215-24s-pointers and array 00:00:00
Mid215-23 third – to pointer 00:00:00
QuizLab215-24s-pointer 00:00:00
1-malloc and realloc 00:00:00
2- calalloc and deferent between malloc 00:00:00
SlideExample Mat.c 00:00:00
SelfChek7-MemoryMang.(c)-2020 00:00:00
mid and quiz
Quiz4-215-MM-Sample 00:00:00
Quiz4-215-24s-MM 00:00:00
Mid215-23F 00:00:00
SmallQuiz-215-students-3-MM 00:00:00
Labs(c)-pointers and MemoryManagment 00:00:00
Labs-215-MemoryM-part2 00:00:00
Lab6-215_MemoryM-reAlloc-2021 00:00:00
User-Defined Data Types
1-Enum C 00:00:00
2- struct C 00:00:00
3- Nested Structures C 00:00:00
4- pointer and size of struct(c) 00:00:00
5- Array of struct(c) 00:00:00
6- Union and typedef (c) 00:00:00
EvaluationLab6(c)Struct-union 00:00:00
SlideExample Polygon.C 00:00:00
Ex8 SelfChek C 00:00:00
Labs-215-user Defined data type 00:00:00
Ass3-215-2021F 00:00:00
Assignment ( new )
Ass2-C-2021S-student 00:00:00
Mid1 and quiz
َQuiz215-2021-(struct-pointer-MM) 00:00:00
mid1-C 215-2014-15 00:00:00
Mid (C ) 2020 00:00:00
Mid(C)-3-2014-15 00:00:00
mid-215-2021f 00:00:00
input and output
1- input and output function (c) 00:00:00
2- Example file from slide 00:00:00
3- More function (slide input output ) 00:00:00
labW10-C-File-2020 00:00:00
labExer9 -C 00:00:00
function ungetc 00:00:00
Ass3-c-2021S 00:00:00
labW11-215-2021F-IO 00:00:00
Quiz215-23Third- struct – file 00:00:00
DataStructure C slide1 00:00:00
DataSturcture part2 C (stack and Queue) 00:00:00
Self-Exercise C -dataStructure 00:00:00
DataStructure C slide for student 00:00:00
Lab215-file-DS 00:00:00
Advanced Pointer
Advanced Pointers C 00:00:00
cs215-AcvancedPointer-new 00:00:00
LabExer11-advancedPointer 00:00:00
standardLibrary C 00:00:00
Mid and quiz
Quiz215-23F-MM-DS- Library 00:00:00
Final215-fall 16-17 00:00:00
Final215-2020 fm 00:00:00
Final C 2017 00:00:00
final-C-36-37 00:00:00
project 2021
project215-2021S-RentCar 00:00:00
project 2021-f
project215-21f-Attendee 00:00:00
project 2023
Ass2-C 22-23 00:00:00
ass3-215-C-23 00:00:00
HOMEWORK 215-2023
Ass1-215-23F 00:00:00
Lab3-215-23F-Vowel-pointer 00:00:00
Ass2-215-23F-Pointer 00:00:00
Lab4-215-23f-pointer-String 00:00:00
Lab5-215-23f MM 00:00:00
ass3-215-23f 00:00:00
Lab7-215-23f-Struct 00:00:00
lab9-215-23f-file 00:00:00
projectC-23 00:00:00
Lab9-w13-215-ReadFromFile and struct 00:00:00
  • 4 months

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